Welcome to Hertford & Ware Local History Society

Hertford and Ware Local History Society is a member of the Hertfordshire Association for Local History. The objects of the Society are the study and enjoyment of all aspects of the history of Hertford, Ware and the neighbourhood; to encourage the furtherance of knowledge of that history through research, meetings, discussion, lectures, visits and excursions, publications and any other appropriate means; and to liaise with other local and neighbouring societies with similar or kindred interests.

The Society meets monthly during the autumn and winter with an interesting and varied programme of speakers on topics of local interest, and arranges outings during the summer; please see our programme for details of the current season. We also publish booklets on topics of local interest; please see our publications list for details of currently available books.

Please note the Society does not undertake research for individuals.

For the latest updates please follow us on Twitter.

Horns Mill, Hertford